June is the time that the garden puts on its greatest show. Flower borders are full, lawns look healthy and fruit and vegetables are growing furiously. With the longest day ahead of us and the Sun (hopefully) making a regular appearance, now is the time to relax and enjoy the sights, sounds and scents of your garden with family and friends. To make sure it remains looking great all Summer long, here are our gardening tips for June.
Quick Gardening Checklist for June
- Hoe your borders to keep weeds down
- Be efficient with water, especially in areas affected by drought
- Pinch the sideshoots from your tomatoes
- Start to harvest your salads and potatoes (lettuce, radishes etc.)
- Take your hanging baskets and containers outside
- Mow your lawn at least once a week
- Plant out your summer bedding plants
- Stake tall or floppy plants
- Prune spring flowering shrubs
- Shade your greenhouses to prevent scorching
1. Garden Plants
Now is the perfect time to plant out your summer bedding. Whilst you are planting you should also try to fill in any gaps with annuals. Prune your spring flower shrubs when they have finished flowering (Spiraea, Ribes etc.) and pinch out any leading shoots on your chrysanthemums to encourage your bushy plants.
Position your summer baskets outside where they can get plenty of sunlight. Regularly check that your tubs and troughs are well watered and try to use collected rain water or recycled grey water wherever possible. Start to inspecting for pests or diseases, especially for scarlet lily beetles on your lilies, and blackspot or aphids on your roses.
2. Houseplants
Increase your daily watering and liquid feeds to ensure that your plants stay healthy all through the summer months. Whilst feeding, check your soil to make sure that you are watering your plants enough.
If you suspect some of your plants are showing signs of being root bound, you should re-pot them to give them more space. Make sure that your plants are well ventilated, this in turn will also reduce the risk of pest infection or diseases.
If you are worried that the temperatures in your home will get too high for your house plants, move them to a shadier area of the home.
3. Lawncare
In the summer months, lawns grow a lot faster so you need to make sure that you mowg your lawn at least once a week, adding the clippings to your compost heap. Give your lawns a good feed with liquid high nitrogen fertiliser if you did not do so in the last month.
If moss is a problem for your lawn, choose a combined fertiliser and moss killer to feed your lawn. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully as overuse can cause water pollution. You should also make sure to disperse and dry worm casts with a hard bristled broom
4. Greenhouse
During June, check your greenhouse plants for pests and diseases, as the plants being packed in together makes it easy to spread infections. You should also ensure that your plants are being watered regularly.
To stop temperatures soaring, use shade paint or blinds on the outside of your greenhouse. This can make it easy to control the temperature of your greenhouse when used alongside greenhouse vents.
Begin to harden off your half hardy annuals which have started undercover and need to become acclimatised to the outside. This should be conducted over a week or so readying them for their final planting.
5. Fruits and Vegetables
Now is the time to sow your broad beans, runner beans, peas, sweetcorn, and outdoor cucumbers directly into prepared beds. You should also plant out your tomatoes remembering to remove any side shoots that you may find. Other vegetables to sow include beetroot, pak choi and radish.
Continue earthing up your potatoes and protect your carrots with enviro-mesh to stop any potential damage from carrot root flies. Thin out your pears, plums, peaches, and any other soft fruits at the end of the year.
You must continue to water your fruits and vegetables regularly, especially potatoes and carrots which are prone to blossom end rot. Remain vigilant against any pests or diseases, however avoid pesticides when your crops are flowering.
Should you need a hand with garden landscaping and general maintenance, Thames Valley Landscapes can help. Call us on 01628 629 720 for creative ways to make the most of your garden space all year round.